To book

Located near Lac des Sapins and the center of Cublize, Camping Le Lac des Sapins invites you to stay surrounded by nature, one hour from Lyon. With the largest natural swimming pool in Europe nearby, you can enjoy an exceptional natural setting while benefiting from a family and friendly atmosphere.

Enjoy near Lyon
Activities & Services

Everything we have put in place for you
Services and activities on site

Throughout the opening period of Camping Le Lac des Sapins, but especially during the summer season, we offer you a multitude of activities, services and entertainment for all ages.

Whether you come with family, friends or as a couple, you can enjoy moments of relaxation and entertainment in the heart of the magnificent Beaujolais Vert region. In our campsite with snack bar, entertainmentand playground near Lyon, there is no room for boredom .

Come have fun and recharge your batteries in a friendly and warm atmosphere, in the heart of unspoiled, wild and green nature! 

For all campers Accessibility

We want to offer a unique experience to all visitors to Camping Le Lac des Sapins. Thus, all our rentals, our pitches and our toilets are adapted to accommodate people with reduced mobility. Treat yourself to a break in the great outdoors with our campsite near Lyon! 

For foodies The snack bar

In high season, we invite you to get together and share pleasant moments of conviviality at the campsite's snack bar. hot or refreshing drinks and sweet or savory snacks will be available for sale. On site or to take away, enjoy the delicacies offered in our campsite with snack bar near Lyon!

Simplified stopovers The grocery store and bread store

To wake you up gently, we offer the bread deposit. Come and pick up the bread you ordered the day before at reception.

To allow you to do small shopping simply, we offer a convenience store. You will find hygiene products, dry products, but also local products: cheese, wine, etc.

To have fun Playgrounds

Young and old campers will find themselves on the different play areas of our campsite with entertainment near Lyon. Thus, you will find a playground for children, a city stadium, a tennis court, a bowling alley and a ping-pong table. We lend you all the equipment free of charge so that you can travel lighter.

Let's meet up ! Home

Every day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., during the opening period, we will meet you at the reception. You will always find an attentive ear there who will answer all of your questions about your stay in Beaujolais Vert. Good advice, tourist documentation, good addresses, must-sees to visit, information on services from the campsite, you will find the answer to your questions at reception.

Animations in several languages! The Lenny Club, quality entertainment!

This year, the Le Lac des Sapins campsite is offering its Lenny Club! Activities for children and for all families with facilitators speaking French, English and Dutch!

Quality entertainment will be reserved for you during the high season!

Pleasant days and evenings The animations

In high season, in day or in evening, we can offer you entertainment for the whole family. concerts, shows and many other entertainments will be on the agenda for your days in our campsite with a playground near Lyon. Go to reception to find out the program! 

To know everything about Camping Other services

  • One parking space per pitch and one outdoor car park
  • Free Wi-Fi connection around reception
  • Pets allowed on the pitches and in the chalets, at an additional cost
  • Laundry room available with washing machine and dryer
  • Draining area for motorhomes